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    昆山市隆达精密机械制造有限公司于2007年成立,主要为客户提供浸渗技术服务,2009年开始和浸渗技术提供商德国IMP Internationale Metall IMPrägnier GmbH公司取得合作,在中国市场提供IMP公司IM3000、IM4500r(循环回收)浸渗液,采用真空加压浸渗技术为客户提供加工服务。昆山隆达作为德国IMP公司中国的经销商,在德国IMP(IMP Internationale Metall IMPrägnier GmbH)及IMP的控股公司Ing. Hubert Maldaner GmbH的强大技术支持,可以根据客户需求,设计、制造各种规格的浸渗设备。我们秉承 “服务周到、质量为本”的经营理念,愿意为广大客提供热情的服务,谋求共同发展。
IMP浸渗材料因其具有低粘度、强渗透性、优良水洗性、优良的热稳定性和化学稳定性、环保等特点,在汽车工业得到了世界上最主要的汽车生产商及零部件供应商BMW、Audi 、GM、Ford 、VW、PORSCHE、PSA、ROVER、CHRYSLER、FIAT、RENAULT、Rolls-Royce、OPEL、HYUNDAI、HAWTAI、DELPHI、BOSCH、TRW、DENSO 、ZF、Nemak、KOHLER、WABCO、MAN、MAHLE、KNORR、FESTO等认可,在汽车发动机缸体缸盖、变速器壳体、空调压缩机壳体、转向器壳体、轮毂、压力零件、粉末冶金件、卫浴龙头、军工、船舶等领域被广泛使用。

IMP国际金属浸渗有限公司(IMP Internationale Metall IMPrägnier GmbH)于1968年2月在langefeld创立,在十年的时间之内IMP一跃成为全球浸渗技术的拥有者之一。 1987年,自主研发生产出通用型IM3000浸渗液。由于其卓越品质,销售量迅速增长,为提高产量于1990年IMP迁移至Monheim工厂。IMP恪守守以顾客为中心的经营方针,注重责任,加之IM3000在全球市场被高度的认可和使用,产品销量持续增长,在SPS的帮助下,我们的生产工艺实现自动化,这不仅提升了产品的品质,而且降低了生产成本。 
IMP与Ing. Hubert Maldaner GmbH母公司一起,掌握了浸渗材料的生产,浸渗设备的制造,浸渗加工车间的建造,浸渗液的循环利用等技术,以及关于废水处理的问题。 
The International Metal IMPregnating Co. Ltd was founded in February 1986 in Langenfeld. By intensive research and development IMP became one of the world-wide leader for impregnating sealants in only one decade.
Intensive own development led to the fact that in the year 1987 the universally applicable impregnation resin IM3000 could be produced. By the outstanding characteristics of the IM3000 the sales volume rose rapidly, so that in 1990 IMP relocated the manufacturing plant to Monheim to increase production capacities. By the strictly customer-oriented company structure, competence and the commitment as well as the high acceptance of IM3000 in the world-wide market the sales volume rose constantly and lead to greater expansion in 1993 and 1996. The production process was automated with the help of a SPS which improves the quality and helps in cost reduction.
By continuous research and through intensive user and customer contact different new recyclable sealants have been developed. In 2000 a new recyclable resin was developed in connection with a centrifuge. Due to this technique an impregnating line can operate nearly waste water free. That protects the environment and brings economic advantages.
Together with our partner company Ing. Hubert Maldaner GmbH we cover the entire know-how of the impregnation process: starting with the development of manufacturing the products up to the equipment construction, the job shop impregnation and the valuable material recycling, as well as questions regarding waste water treatment.
The secret of our success is however the independence and mobility of IMP, which at any time is able to response rapidly on the changing problems of customers and the market. The claim of quality orients itself strictly at the individual requirements of the customer. In addition it guarantees reliable date loyalty, dependability, quickness, flexibility and a permanent care of the product quality.All this convinces our customers, because they profit directly from it. Our impregnation materials with their outstanding characteristics are used for special areas of application in the most diverse industrial ranges. Main operational areas are the automotive industry where IMP sealants are approved by all the main international car manufacturers. Other uses are manufacturers of powdered metal parts, armatures, drinking water components, gearboxes, pneumatics and hydraulic components, wheel rims, steering gear housings and gas controllers. These are just a small selection of the many uses for IMP sealants.